All successes in our lives and careers can be attributed to someone else—those who possessed the wisdom to encourage early learning: our parents, our many teachers, professors, mentors, and coaches.

These very influential people taught us to reflect and ask questions. We learned that even in our most difficult times there were opportunities to learn and strengthen our character.

As an educator of thirty years, Jane Reed recognizes that much of a child’s ability to realize his potential depends upon the adults who influence his early years. She is impassioned about helping parents develop teaching styles and habits that nurture learning and fine character. Jane is certified as a Suzuki Method Teacher and Teacher Trainer, an Independent Facilitator for Parenting the Love and Logic Way, and a certified Elite Life Coach.

Her motivational presentations extend the philosophies and methods she has gained as a parent, teacher, and trainer.

She has had the distinct pleasure of interacting with thousands of children, parents and teachers around the world, who have discovered that learning together can be a source of great joy and satisfaction.

Topics Include:
  • The Lost Art of Asking Questions: Studies prove that memorizing answers and being told what to do isn’t learning for children. It is only when we engage their curiosity through questions, guide them towards wise choices based on their thoughts and allow them to discover their own solutions, that real learning takes place. In this presentation, Jane explores how learning to ask deeper questions leads children to Solutionary Thinking.
  • Discover Your Parenting Purpose: Roy Disney said it best . . . “When visions are clear, decisions are easy.” Children learn from everything they experience. As parents, knowing your purpose allows you to make consistent, guided decisions and creates an environment rich in life-long benefits for your children. Jane will help parents identify their values, create a parenting purpose and start aligning their actions with that purpose to help nurture their child’s thinking mind.  
  • Nurturing Thinking Minds: There are seven key steps we can take to prepare our children for deeply rewarding lives. Based on their popular parent education course, Jane will detail how parents can encourage learning by understanding their purpose, keeping natural curiosity alive, becoming a role model, teaching basic skills, encouraging inquisitiveness, asking questions, and using mistakes as learning opportunities. 

To request more information, customize a speaking topic or to book Jane as a speaker for your next event, please complete the form below.