What is a Leader?

My older sister initiated a thought-provoking discussion during our monthly Sibling Phone Call. She asked us to recall something about our parents.  The responses were not only amusing but also a poignant reminder of the selfless leadership our parents had demonstrated. Their leadership qualities were evident in their actions and decisions, and we found these qualities most inspiring.

Our parents’ first goal was to create a home where God was known, worshipped, and loved from birth. Their other leadership goals resulted from a desire to nurture fine and noble human beings, guide us to have high standards, persevere, seek wisdom, and be kind.

Who do you lead?  What specific strategies can you use to nurture these abilities in those you lead?

Leaders are driven by a vision to improve their circumstances and those of others.  They are problem-solvers who challenge themselves and others to grow. How?

Influential leaders develop the ability to ask quality questions and recognize that their mission is only fulfilled once those they lead also learn to ask meaningful questions. They know and live the philosophy that “Inquiry-based learning is Problem-Solving and Problem-Solving is Learning.” Great leaders change themselves first and commit to a lifetime of continuous learning.  They lead with quiet strength and commitment.  Unselfish leaders focus on mutual growth rather than seeking personal profit or elevated status.  They share their vision and encourage participation, which fosters positive results.  Exemplary leaders believe in the abilities of those they lead and dedicate themselves to nurturing those abilities by challenging, inspiring, and learning together. They view the world through a lens of possibilities because they recognize that every child can learn, needs thoughtful guidance, and deserves a quality education.   Wise leaders who serve as mentors, not dictators, become soundboards for validation.  A true leader imagines a masterpiece and invites everyone else to contribute their unique ideas, thoughts, and actions.  They want others to flourish and bloom!

Are you a Parent, Teacher, or Leader who would like to improve your leadership skills and learn to emulate this philosophy? Are you looking for reliable steps to follow then join us at one of our workshops!

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From their first word to age 5, children’s natural inquisitiveness drops to 40%. Inquisitiveness should thrive, not wane. What can be done to…

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