A Service Dedicated to Enhancing Learning and Leadership for Parents, Teachers, and Leaders.

If you want to enhance your learning and leadership skills, Solutionary Insights is your service! Our unique approach to learning and problem-solving, founded on faith and reasoning skills, has proven effective for parents, teachers, and leaders. Our programs are designed to nurture thinking minds, encourage reflection and evaluation, and develop reliable solutions to real-life problems. Our motto, “Inquiry-based learning is Problem-Solving, and Problem-Solving is Learning!“; emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions and developing respectful, reliable solutions that reflect God’s love. So why not join us and become a part of our community of problem-solvers? You won’t regret it!


How Solutionary Insights Evolved.

When I met Bob, he was always studying situations and asking questions. Bob asked more questions than anyone I had ever known! He always seemed to figure out ways to improve things. Then, he would test his ideas and make them even better before implementing them.

I fondly nicknamed him “Mr. Solutionary!” Years later, we decided to build a business that helps others learn and solve problems in respected and reliable ways.

I remember when Bob taught me to ask questions. It was during a challenging season of my life. He sat down, looked at me with his beautiful green eyes, and said, “If you could learn to ask the right questions, you could discover the solutions. May I help you ask those questions?” My heart leaped out of my body with the prospect of hope! He led me through a logical process that helped me discover new possibilities. I found that I no longer needed to hide from problems! Then the lightbulb flashed on! What if we could share what we had learned with

The initial part of our work is establishing priorities. Our cornerstone is dedicated to glorifying God through our work, recognizing that our efforts would lack meaning and impact without this purpose.

So, Bob and I started designing programs to blend and develop this unique combination of faith and reasoning skills for parents, teachers, and leaders. We began developing a New Foundation for Learning! This foundation is based on faith, curiosity, asking questions, developing reliable solutions, and becoming a blessing to others. Our motto is “Inquiry-based learning is Problem- Solving, and Problem-Solving is Learning!” Mastering this process leads one to The Scientific Method of Problem-Solving, which requires empirical evidence to support it. This is currently being used in the highest level of research.

We want to build potential in healthy and inspiring ways.

We have been delighted with the results.

-Jane Reed

A Commitment to These Principles and a Heart to Share Them.

Parents who create an environment where God is known and worshipped from birth build homes filled with purpose and love. When they lead by asking questions, they develop the ability to reflect, evaluate, and solve problems. They quickly discover that the increased interaction allows them to nurture appreciative and cooperative communication rather than
primarily focusing on negative behavior. It nurtures thinking minds and develops the ability to make principle-based decisions, which builds character.

Teachers we train discover that applying the Golden Rule effectively fosters compassion in their students. They understand that simply telling students what to do doesn’t engage them as effectively as leading them through questioning. Students are encouraged to think deeply and reflect on their learning by asking questions. This approach also helps students develop problem-solving skills, which they can apply in practical situations. Ultimately, students realize they are more capable than they ever thought possible! Teachers become more engaging and inspiring as they learn to allow God to love others through their actions.

As a teacher, Jane was disheartened to discover that the traditional teaching method, which involves simply telling students what to do, is focused on the teacher rather than the students. However, she found motivation in the fact that teaching through inquiry and problem-solving is student-centered, enhancing self-direction. When she used this approach with her students, she saw them develop a newfound enthusiasm for learning. They become more self-directed in problem-solving and can apply what they have learned to real-life situations. This way, they become active participants in their learning process rather than just passive receivers of information. Learning becomes stimulating and valuable. Furthermore, she noticed that students nurtured with love learn to love the Lord and develop compassion for others around them.

Leaders develop a meaningful legacy by nurturing thinking minds. They are motivated by the loving belief that every child is created in God’s image, is of great value, and is worthy of respect. Because great leaders are driven to improve circumstances, they commit to changing themselves first to serve others better. Leaders learn to use what is known for positive outcomes. They view the world through a lens of possibilities because they recognize that everyone can learn and deserves opportunities to reach their potential. A true leader imagines a masterpiece and invites everyone else to contribute their unique ideas, thoughts, and actions.
The beautiful part of this concept leads one to move up into the study of the Scientific Method of Study that requires empirical evidence.

A Desire to Foster a Love for Learning While Instilling Important Values in Children.

Mission: Improving foundational learning with truth and trust while nurturing fine, noble human beings with faith, compassionate hearts, and inquiring minds.

Vision: To glorify God and become a blessing to others by guiding children and leaders to develop a high sense of purpose and superior levels of ability.  We envision a captivating world of learning based on inquiry development from birth.  This will be accomplished by leading with questions, encouraging curiosity, developing the child’s ability to ask quality questions, and becoming confident and principled problem-solvers. Asking beautiful questions will change hearts.  We believe these connections will transform obstacles into opportunities waiting to be explored!

Become a Solutionary

A Solutionary is One Who Empowers Minds to Become a Part of Solutions.

Our workshops are designed to empower educators, leaders, and ministerial staff with innovative approaches to teaching. By participating, you’ll gain fresh perspectives and effective strategies to inspire and guide others. Upon completion, we proudly award participants with a Solutionary Insights Badge and Certificate, symbolizing their readiness to effect positive change in the world of learning.

The journey to becoming a Solutionary starts with a thoughtful application and interview process. Upon completion you will be equipped to mentor future generations as Solutionaries.


About Jane Reed

Jane Reed is an internationally recognized Teacher Trainer and Educator for the Suzuki Association of the Americas. She is also a Motivational Keynote Speaker from Greenville, SC. Jane has conducted workshops for teachers and parents throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. With her expertise in leading seminars, Jane helps parents and teachers create captivating and engaging learning environments. She achieves this by utilizing validated learning and reasoning skills, nurturing compassionate hearts, and building meaningful relationships. Jane’s calling is to create optimal learning experiences for all learners.

Jane’s 5th-grade teacher predicted she was destined to become a motivational speaker.  She is known for engaging stories, interest in others, informative ideas, and practical applications. Her passion, positive attitude, and desire to make a meaningful difference inspire audiences.

Her book, “Who Is God?  Leading Children to God by Asking Questions.” resulted from a powerful prayer experience, where she dedicated herself to putting God first.  It applies the Solutionary Insights principle of leading with questions for deeper understanding and highlights the importance of early loving relationships with parents.

Jane’s mission is to glorify God and become a blessing to others.


  • Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Findlay, Magna Cum Laude.
  • Facilitator for Parenting the Love and Logic Way.
  • Facilitator for the Right Question Institute
  • Conducted workshops internationally, including in Bermuda, Brazil, and China.
  • Holistic and Christian Life-time Educator.
About Bob Reed

Bob Reed is a problem solver passionate about asking out-of-the-box questions that lead to innovative solutions. He thrives on recognizing problems and turning challenges into valuable opportunities.

Bob has always been curious and has a natural talent for problem-solving. He honed his skills as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer in the Navy and later worked as an Industrial Engineer. However, he prefers to be called a Generalist because he has accumulated knowledge in many fields. He realized his real strength was using his skills to help people solve problems.

For the last 12 years, Bob has been conducting evidence-based research on a new idea that could revolutionize learning from birth and throughout life. He believes that inquiry-based learning is the key to success, and his approach, “Inquiry-Based Learning is Problem-Solving and Problem-Solving is Learning™,” is centered around this idea. This method encourages curiosity, opens minds through questions, examines possibilities, promotes critical thinking, and drives answers and solutions through validation. Bob has work experience in 13 foreign countries.

Bob’s mission is to serve God by helping people lead better lives.



  • Bob has completed 12 years of post-secondary education in Engineering and Social Studies.
  • He is a facilitator for the Right Question Institute.
  • He is also a Business Management Consultant who specializes in problem-solving.




Jane was exceptional. Her presentations were organized, clear, and relevant. I loved all her thoughts and ideas. You could tell she is wise and experienced.



Firstly, I would like to thank you, for everything. You are a kind soul with great empathy, and expressed such great wisdom and love toward us. I believe it is evident this is also your wish in all you do. I have sincerely learned so much, and felt like I could keep learning from you forever…”



Jane was very engaging and allowed for lots of questions from the participants. She didn’t shy away from confronting misconceptions and shared many anecdotal stories about her experiences.



Thank you, Jane, for an inspiring, energizing, and delightful session. It made me want to be a better parent, plus tips and guidance on how to actually get there.”


She inspired me to inspire my students through positivity and sparking their natural curiosity through asking questions.”


I have felt a difference in my attitude toward teaching this week as I have reflected on the sessions I attended.


I learned that asking questions was the most effective way to let my children learn and grow

Our Trainings

Our workshops are crafted to transform your perspective on how learning happens. We proudly offer the following workshops: “Nurturing Compassionate Hearts with Inquiring Minds,” “Asking Essential Questions,” and “Parenting from the Heart.” Each session is meticulously designed to be both interactive and intellectually enriching, ensuring a dynamic learning experience. Our aim is for you to leave our workshops with a refreshed and innovative mindset, approaching learning and teaching differently.

Why This is Important Now More than Ever

It’s not just about knowing the answers; it’s crucial to understand and apply them. Constantly questioning, “Is this true? How do I know it’s right? How can I use this?” leads to real growth. This hands-on approach to learning, focusing on problem-solving, creativity, and thinking on your feet, benefits everyone. It transforms learning to be student-focused and practical for real-life challenges.

However, if students don’t apply and question their learning, they may lack critical thinking and problem-solving skills vital for real-world issues. This could result in a workforce ill-equipped for complex challenges, stifling innovation and adaptation, and perpetuating a cycle of learning for tests rather than life, affecting both personal and societal development.

Schedule a Consultation

Did you know that a child’s natural curiosity drops by 60% from their first word until they turn 5? Curiosity should flourish, not fade. Interested in how you can help turn this around? Book a meeting with the Solutionary Insights team and be part of the change!

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