How Solutionary Insights Evolved.
When I met Bob, he was always studying situations and asking questions. Bob asked more questions than anyone I had ever known! He always seemed to figure out ways to improve things. Then, he would test his ideas and make them even better before implementing them.
I fondly nicknamed him “Mr. Solutionary!” Years later, we decided to build a business that helps others learn and solve problems in respected and reliable ways.
I remember when Bob taught me to ask questions. It was during a challenging season of my life. He sat down, looked at me with his beautiful green eyes, and said, “If you could learn to ask the right questions, you could discover the solutions. May I help you ask those questions?” My heart leaped out of my body with the prospect of hope! He led me through a logical process that helped me discover new possibilities. I found that I no longer needed to hide from problems! Then the lightbulb flashed on! What if we could share what we had learned with
The initial part of our work is establishing priorities. Our cornerstone is dedicated to glorifying God through our work, recognizing that our efforts would lack meaning and impact without this purpose.
So, Bob and I started designing programs to blend and develop this unique combination of faith and reasoning skills for parents, teachers, and leaders. We began developing a New Foundation for Learning! This foundation is based on faith, curiosity, asking questions, developing reliable solutions, and becoming a blessing to others. Our motto is “Inquiry-based learning is Problem- Solving, and Problem-Solving is Learning!” Mastering this process leads one to The Scientific Method of Problem-Solving, which requires empirical evidence to support it. This is currently being used in the highest level of research.
We want to build potential in healthy and inspiring ways.
We have been delighted with the results.
-Jane Reed